隱私條款 Privacy policy


為了維護個人隱私權與支持個人資料保護,謹以下列聲明,向您說明 小崧貿易有限公司 蒐集個人資料之目的、類別、利用範圍及方式、以及您所得行使之權利等事項; 如果您對於 小崧貿易有限公司 的隱私權聲明、以下相關告知事項、或與個人資料保護有關之相關事項有任何疑問,可以和  小崧貿易有限公司 客服中心聯絡, 小崧貿易有限公司 將儘快回覆說明。

適用範圍:小崧貿易有限公司 隱私權聲明及其所包含之告知事項, 小崧貿易有限公司 所擁有及經營的網站。


小崧貿易有限公司 為了提供電子商務服務、售後服務,依照各服務之性質,會蒐集您的姓名、連絡方式(包括但不限於電話、E-MAIL及地址等),僅限售後服務和服務會員使用。

客服聯絡信箱:hua@jt-comatz.com / jessie@jt-comatz.com 

Definition of personal information

To protect personal privacy and support data protection, this statement explains the purposes, types, scope, and methods of collection and use of personal data by JT-Comatz Trading Co., Ltd., as well as the rights you may exercise. 

If you have any questions about  JT-Comatz Trading Co., Ltd.,'s privacy policy, the information provided below, or matters related to personal data protection, please contact  JT-Comatz Trading Co., Ltd.,'s customer service center for further clarification. JT-Comatz Trading Co., Ltd., will respond as soon as possible.

Scope of Applicability: This privacy policy and the information contained herein apply to the websites owned and operated by JT-Comatz Trading Co., Ltd.

Collection of personal information : 

This shop may collect your personal information when you purchase products or make inquiries.

When collecting, we will specify the purpose of use and use legal and fair means.

JT-Comatz Trading Co., Ltd. collects your name and contact information (including but not limited to phone number, email, and address) to provide e-commerce services and after-sales support. This information is used solely for after-sales service and membership purposes.

Contact information:hua@jt-comatz.com / jessie@jt-comatz.com